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Excel your skills for the future with our pre-employment training.

Pre-ETS are services and activities provided by vocational rehabilitation (VR) to help students with disabilities prepare for postsecondary education and employment.

Pre-Employment Transition Services are for any student in Texas can access Pre-ETS if they are:

  • between the ages of 14 and 22,
  • currently enrolled in school (includes homeschool, private school, and postsecondary education), and
  • receiving special education services or qualify as a student with a disability under
  • Section 504.

Job Exploration Counseling

Job exploration counseling will help students explore their vocational interests, learn more about in-demand industries and careers, and assess their career pathways of interest through discussion, information, and research.

Job exploration counseling may include interest assessments, job shadowing, career mentorship, interviews, or workplace tours or field trips.


Work-Based Learning Experiences

Opportunities to engage in real work experiences to help students develop relevant work skills that can be provided through in-school or after-school experiences in integrated community work settings.

Work-based learning experiences may include paid and unpaid work experiences, job shadowing, career mentorship, internships (paid or unpaid), apprenticeships, volunteering, and workplace tours.

Counseling on Postsecondary Education

Postsecondary education counseling will provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the postsecondary settings, programs, requirements, and the skills necessary to be successful in these settings.

Postsecondary education counseling may include information about universities, community colleges, comprehensive transition programs, trade/technical schools, military, and postsecondary programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Workplace Readiness Training

Workplace readiness training will help students with interpersonal and intrapersonal skills needed for being successful in the workplace.

Workplace readiness training may include decision-making, problem-solving, professionalism, attitude, conflict resolution, time management, money management, and using technology.

Self-Advocacy Instruction

Self-advocacy instruction will enable students to make choices and communicate their individual needs, preferences, interests, and strengths related to education, workplace settings, and the community.

Self-advocacy instruction may include disability disclosure, setting goals, decision-making, problem-solving, self-regulation, understanding rights and responsibilities, and peer mentorship.


Personal And Social Adjustment Training

The purpose of Personal and Social Adjustment Training is to address specific barriers to employment.

Customized training and support services are provided to assist the needs of individuals with disabilities who require individualized support and training to address and remove barriers to employment.


Support is provided through one-on-one, individualized instruction. We support people to learn the things they need to learn that remove specific barriers to community employment. We specialize in addressing and removing employment barriers.

Training may address the following areas:

• Appropriate workplace interaction
• Conflict resolution
• Hygiene and professional attire awareness
• Time & Schedule management
• Professionalism
• Communication
• Enthusiasm & Attitude

Participants will recognize that following skills are all crucial components to success both in the workplace and outside of the workplace.

Get in Touch with Us!
If you have any questions about our staffing services or are concerned about learning more about our company, contact us so we can discuss all the possibilities.




Contact Information

Service Areas Covered: United States

Talk to Us!

1-800-810-3771 | 713-332-0057
Fax: (737) 247-7495